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Mary M. McCarter - Online Memorial Website

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Mary McCarter
Born in United States
67 years
Beth Iler Former Student April 4, 2013
So sad to hear such a bright light has been extinguished. I will never forget the wonderful discussions we had when Mac was my teacher. Her words were not only educational but inspiring as well,(I still use many of her sayings to this day with my children). We were all made richer by knowing her and learning from her, she will never be forgotten.  Prayers of healing and happy memories for her family.
Michael Cooper Friend and Former Student April 4, 2013
Here's to Ms. McCarter!  A teacher who - with great passion and humor - brought culture and the arts to a small, rural high school.  And, who inspired us as students to respect Shakespeare and the theatre as much as sports or science.  I cherish my memories of her energy and her great talent as an educator and a theatre director.  We are all better people for having "Mac" as one of our teachers.
Michael Cooper  Octavia High School, Class of '72
Monica Adams former student--RHS April 4, 2013
Rest in peace, Miss McCarter.  Thanks for the time and energy you spent teaching us.
Maranna A Great Educator April 4, 2013
I was so sad to hear of Ms. McCarter's passing.  She was such a great teacher and influence to those who needed her.  She introduced me to Shakespeare (whose works I still love) and shared how to find the beauty in words rather than just reading them from a page.  She tought me the same writing skills and methods I still use today.  It truley is amazing how a teacher who really cares can influence us in such a great way and leave us with life lessons.  What a great legacy she left for so many!  She will be missed. 
Patty and Alan Beecher A great teacher and an inspiration to many April 4, 2013
We were so saddened to hear of "Macs" passing and the struggles she has dealt with over the past several years. Ms. McCarter was our teacher, neighbor (while she lived in Colfax) and a wonderful mentor. She was the type of teacher who was all inclusive... she took many students under her wing that weren't the popular ones and found their talents and made them feel good about themselves.  She did this both in her classes and with her many plays and musicals she directed.  She recognized the value in diversity before it became a buzz word!  She had a heart big enough for everyone.
As a teacher she introduced us to Shakespeare for the first time and did it in a way that was understandable to everyone. 
She was a wonderful caring lady who loved to laugh and inspire.  She will be missed by many.
Barbara Graham In Sympathy April 3, 2013
So sorry to hear of Meme's leaving us, but happy she's now free and whole with her Lord in Heaven. Will be thinking of the family this week as all of you grieve for her. I feel blessed to have known her and you too, Rodney - Special people who made special memories for me.  As the coming days go by, remember she no longer has to take 'baby steps', just think of all she can do now!!!

Barb Graham
Sherry Jennings Friend April 3, 2013
I was very sad to hear of Mary Margaret's passing into eternal life.  She worked so hard at getting well and being able to go home with you.  I wish that dream of hers could have come true.  I do rejoice however that she is in the place where we all yearn to be and that is at home with our Heavenly Father!  I do praise the Lord for that.
I only knew Mary Margaret for the two years that Dad was an assistant principal at Palestine.  My only rememberance is of her smile and sparkly spirit.  I am so happy I got to know her.
My sincere sympathy for you and her extended family.
Sherry Jennings
Satch & Marlys Thomas Friends April 3, 2013

How sad it was to hear of Meme's passing.  What a wonderul person she was.  We so enjoyed having you as our Pastor at Lakewood and Cowden.  Meme was the perfect compliment to you as your wife.  You both did so many things for our two Churches.  We will always have great memories of working with the both of you at youth group functions, especially the relay for life!  I know the youth group will always remember the trip to six flags and all the fundraiser meals that you and Meme organized.  We will be praying for you and the rest of the family.  We also loolk forward to seeing Meme in Heaven one day; she was in Heaven for Easter this year.

Satch & Marlys
Don Durflinger Friend and former student April 2, 2013
Miss M,

My heart is sad to have learned recently of my favorite teacher passing, leaving this world for a better place. Miss M, you taught me more in the three years I was in your class than I think I learned in the 9 previous. You gave me hope that anyone can rebound from a setback and excel when he applies oneself. Thanks,until we meet again, Miss M.

Bob Fulling Friend April 2, 2013
Rodney - Our hearts ache as we realize that MMM has pasted from this life. But, we truly rejoice that she is now pain free and reunited with her love ones and most importantly, with Christ.  Our prayers will be with you as you now endure this loss.  We all have wonderful memories of MMM.  She was a great lady and a wonderful friend.  Prayerfully, we will be able to be there on Saturday.   In His Name    Bob & Karen Fulling
Total Condolences: 20
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